Release Notes

DieFeedWeb v1.11.463PROD

Release v1.11.461 at 01/07/2024

  • Push notifications on support for DieFeedApp.
  • New mail notification for Feebdback submitted.
  • New language German (Detush)

Release v1.10.448 at 06/05/2024

  • [Backend] Bugfixes.

Release v1.10.442 at 08/04/2024

  • Reissued authorization checks on domain objects.
  • Refactoring of the selection process for the operating company.
  • [Backend] Bugfixes.

Release v1.10.417 at 08/03/2024

  • Fix Manual Die Code (when multiple fields pattern).
  • Registered Owners within the Extruder organization now have permissions for the complete deletion of feedback and all associated trials.
  • Captcha added to secure registration and password reset form.
  • [Backend] Automated testcases on interaction permissions.

Release v1.9.387 at 16/02/2024

  • Help Desk Service activation.
  • Swipe/navigate to iterate over images in the same page.

Release v1.9.380 at 01/09/2023

  • Editable Corrector Name.
  • Press field.

Release v1.8.343 at 19/04/2023

  • New Actions on Feedback:
    • Direct "Die Ok" action for closing old feedback.
    • Delete Feedback Try.
    • Edit Feedback Try.

Release v1.7.341 at 27/02/2023

  • Enabled send feedback from web application (also suitable for IPad o IPhone).

Release v1.6.312 at 19/01/2023

  • Fix bug support request email not sent.

Release v1.6.311 at 05/10/2022

  • New: Document List CSV download (/api/system/downloadDieAttachmentList.csv?idOrganization=xxx).

Release v1.6.304 at 09/08/2022

  • Server-side sorting, searching, pagination, and filtered data Excel export.
  • Added the extruder internal code (if any) in the subjects of support request emails.

Release v1.6.296 at 24/06/2022

  • New language "Spanish".

Release v1.5.295 at 10/01/2022

  • New notification E-Mail on support received.

Release v1.4.293 at 05/11/2021

  • New: Dynamic Die Code composition.
  • Fix: Die Print Attachment visibility.
  • New: Try List CSV download (/api/system/downloadTryList.csv?idOrganization=xxx).

Release v1.3.286 at 27/06/2021

  • New feature: Die Print Attachments.

Release v1.2.275 at 09/04/2021

  • Layout and label fixes.

Release v1.2.271 at 04/04/2021

  • Free text search on feedbacks.
  • Sort columns on feedbacks.
  • Export Excel.
  • Edit last try: add and delete attachments.

Release v1.1.257 at 22/11/2020

  • Fix automatic language from browser settings.

Release v1.1.254 at 22/11/2020

  • Mail to already registered user.
  • Changed Die Name separator: dash '-' to slash '/'.

Release v1.1.252 at 21/11/2020

  • New feature: feedback with manual die code.

Release v1.0.247 at 19/11/2020

  • Promote to production release.
  • New feature for deleting support attachments.

Release v0.12.234 at 24/09/2020

  • Show extruder code in die name.
  • Choose working organization at login.

Release v0.11.228 at 21/09/2020

  • Feedback status display icons.
  • Main layout fixes.

Release v0.10.218 at 12/09/2020

  • Fix External Corrector permissions.
  • New Support Request email notification to support team.

Release v0.9.212 at 11/09/2020

  • New role External Corrector for correction consulting activities.
  • Fix for antispam filters while activating users (double call to token confirm).

Release v0.8.200 at 09/09/2020

  • Aggiunti servizi rest per gestione notifiche lato app.

Release v0.7.174 at 03/09/2020

  • Implementata Gestione Utenti e Organizzaioni.
  • Implementata Visualizzazione Feedback.
  • Implementata Invio Info Supporto.

Release v0.5.114 at 25/08/2020

  • Servizi DieFeedApp completati.

Release v0.1.40 at 07/07/2020

  • Refactoring Layout.